Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good Cheese Comes from Happy Yaks

More proof that Shangri-la is indeed a paradise of sorts: cheese! While China may have loads of good food, cheese -- particularly western cheese -- is hard to find. So I was ecstatic when we stumbled onto The Shangri-la Cheese Shop.

Inside the small shop there were just a few tables and loads of literature and posters on the wall about the properties of yak milk versus cow milk. They even had a Venn diagram (fuzzy picture to the right) showing how western cheese-making methods meet traditional Tibetan cheese making methods to create a unique expérience de fromage.

I am here to tell you that the combination is delicious. We had cheese sandwiches one day, and then came back for a cheese platter and a glass of Yunan red wine. So delicious. One was a softer, smelly cheese and the other a firm, buttery one.

Yet, I think the icing on the cheese had to be one of the photos boasting the cheese -making expertise of the shop. They had hired guns from WISCONSIN help create their signature cheeses. It shouldn't be too hard to pick out the woman who is the "cheese professor" from the photo on the below.

For those of you who ever find yourself here and want a cheese platter the address is:

Old Town, Chang Fang Jie #22
13988700916 (phone)

1 comment:

argonox said...

omg, I think I'm hearing the call: a renewed Yunnan-Wisconsin Cheese Friendship mission!